Hear from Prof. Marzo-Ortega, a consultant rheumatologist and clinical lead for axSpA
In this video, Prof. Marzo-Ortega shares her expert experience caring for patients living with axSpA. She also discusses the importance of early diagnosis and when to establish a treatment plan.
The use of adequate contraception should be considered for women of childbearing potential. For women planning pregnancy, continued contraception may be considered for 5 months after the last CIMZIA® dose due to its elimination rate, but the need for treatment of the woman should also be taken into account. Data from more than 1,300 prospectively collected pregnancies exposed to CIMZIA® with known pregnancy outcomes, including more than 1,000 pregnancies exposed during the first trimester, does not indicate a malformative effect of CIMZIA®. Further data are being collected as the available clinical experience is still limited to conclude that there is no increased risk associated with CIMZIA® administration during pregnancy. CIMZIA® should only be used during pregnancy if clinically needed. CIMZIA® can be used during breastfeeding.1
Text goes here CIMZIA® is not registered for the treatment of uveitis.1
Please refer to the CIMZIA®1
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Date of preparation: February 2023